Black Friday shopping and Cyber Tuesday Surfing have both taken a toll on your check book and your credit card. Finding the right men suits, dress shirts, and high quality shoes for your husband has been the biggest challenge, but you were finally able to locate what you were looking for.
From a single pair of dress pants to a custom tailored suits, there are some gifts that are often difficult to shop for. When you find the right item, though, the search is worth the effort. And while not everyone wants men suits or other dress clothes for Christmas, if you have a husband who loves to dress up everyday, it is important that you jump on the chance to finally have an idea for the perfect gift.
The best custom made suits are not inexpensive, but they are still a good investment. Knowing that you have something that fits you perfectly can help you feel more confident when you head out the door, whether you are going to interview for a new job or you are going to visit one of your best clients.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the mens fashion industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- 47% of senior managers interviewed indicated that their employees dressed ?too casually? in a 2016 survey.
- 63% of Americans indicate that fashion is important to them.
- 77% of Americans admit that their current wardrobe in in need of a makeover.
- 66% of men indicate that when they wear suits, they feel more confident; nd
- 62% of men admit they feel more successful when they wear suits.
- 43% of men indicate that they feel more intelligent when they wear a suit.
- The average annual sales for menswear grew 17.4% between the years 2010 and 2015, according to data from IBIS World.
The frenzy of holiday shopping can be both fun and frustrating. When you know exactly what you want to buy, though, the shopping can be rewarding. If you find yourself looking for mens clothing this season, however, it is important to make sure that you make your purchases from a place that provides free alterations or allows for returns.
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