While plenty of people may be interested in getting a facelift, most don?t want to go through the pain and expense of actually getting a facelift. Cosmetic surgeries are not covered by most insurance plans, which means it is an out-of-pocket expense.
Additionally, like any type of surgery, there are risks involved and recovery time.
The disadvantages of a surgical facelift have led many people to look into their non-surgical facelift options. Non-surgical options include Botox, Hyaluronic acid treatments, chemical peels, Stem cell therapy, spa facial treatments, laser skin resurfacing, and more.
Botox was one of the first truly effective non-surgical facelift options available to the general public. At the height of its popularity, people were hosting Botox parties and getting injections while mingling with friends. However, it is best to seek out treatments from a skin care specialist in an in a facility that specializes in non-surgical facelifts.
The average Botox patient is between 40 and 59 years old, and it is popular among both males and females. Botox injections work to smooth out the skin around the injection site and make it appear smoother and fresher.
Over 80% of Botox patients report seeing noticeable improvements within a week of their treatments, and the effects of Botox treatments will last up to four months. While Botox is widely popular, affordable, and minimally painful, it is not the only option.
Hyaluronic acid-based filler injections have increased greatly in popularity over recent years due to their effectiveness and minimal pain and side effects. Most patients report the pain of these injections to be a 1.5 out of five. In 2014 alone, there were over 1.8 million Hyaluronic acid treatments administered.
The most common hyaluronic acid treatments available include Juvederm, Perlane, and Restylane. Each of these uses the same active ingredient, which plumps up and smooths out the skin by filler space immediately beneath the skin.
For those unwilling or not ready to pursue injections, chemical peels, and other spa treatments are still highly popular. Chemical peels strip away the outer layer of skin revealing the fresh new layer underneath. Various other spa treatments can provide a fresh clean look through facials, steam, and massage.
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