There are some industries where appropriate and safe work gear is required. A few of these industries include construction, manufacturing, and first line responders. While safety is a priority in choosing the best work attire, comfort also needs to be considered. These are some of the most important characteristics of the best work uniforms.
Protection from inclement weather
Some workers spend a majority of their workday outdoors, despite the current weather conditions. They might work in rain, snow, or even thunderstorms. In these professionals, it is even more important to have protective work uniforms. Hi vis rain gear keeps workers dry and visible in heavy rains. Construction and road workers commonly work on the streets when rain is heavy. Drivers have reduced visibility and this can result in a dangerous work environment. Fluorescent vests can also improve the visibility of workers. Breathable reflective rain gear can give these workers the added protection they need.
Insulation against heavy machinery
Heavy machinery can also pose a risk to workers. This risk is common of manufacturing workers who are constantly working nearby large machines. It is also common for construction workers who are regularly on site with nails, screws, and other penetrative working supplies. One of the most important work uniforms features in these types of environments is work boots. Approximately $70 is spent per employee on foot protection per year. However, considering the risks present, this might not be enough to successfully prevent workplace injuries.
Another form of insulation against heavy machinery is in the form of construction safety vests. Sometimes, despite the best training and safety protocols, accidents still happen. The goal then is to reduce the damages. When workers are required to wear safety vests and breathable reflective rain gear, they are protecting the most important organs, thus reducing the damages.
Protection to the ears and eyes
It is also important to provide and require ear and eye protection. Employees in the construction and manufacturing industries are constantly exposed to items that could permanently damage the ears or eyes. Protective eyewear can prevent problematic debris from getting into the eyes. Workers should also be required to wear protective earplugs in loud environments. Permanent hearing loss can be caused by sounds that are louder than 85 decibels. Yet, many people do not begin to notice the effect to their ears until the damage has already been done. It is the role of the employer to require these safety items.
Career specific safety attire
There are also safety attire items that are specific to the career. For example, first line responders require black safety vests that are also bullet and knife proof. Although the cost of these vests might be pricey, they could end up saving an employee?s life.
Some believe that protective items like hi vis button up shirts and black vests are even more important at the beginning of a career when an injury is more likely. According to the Institute for Work and Health in Canada, a new employee in their first month at work has more than three times the risk of a lost time injury than others. Items like breathable reflective rain gear can protect new employees as they learn proper safety techniques on the new job.
Uniforms are often used to create a sense of team environment among employees. They are also used to encourage recognition of customers. In some industries, work uniforms are more about safety. They provide necessary insulation, the protection of important bodily parts, and improved visibility in difficult work environments. Items like breathable reflective rain gear could potentially save a workers life.