Taking care of your feet is essential to overall health and mobility. Your feet are your foundation, and you need a strong foundation to do great things. There are many professions that rely more heavily on feet than others. These are professionals that have people standing, walking, or generally moving around the for the majority of their time.
The more mobile you are in your job, the more important it is to have good, supportive, comfortable boots. The human foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints,107 ligaments, and 19 muscles. Depending on how much you weigh, you are putting a lot of pressure on your feet simply by walking around. The less supportive your work boots are, the faster your feet will hurt. Hurting feet will lead to you feeling tired and worn out faster, which isn?t good when you still have an entire work day ahead of you.
The average person may walk an average of 10,000 steps per day. A construction worker or laborer, however, may walk over 30,000 steps per day. That is a lot of stress on your feet, which is why you need supportive and comfortable boots to get you through the workday.
Depending on what you do, you also need to consider safety when buying footwear. For example, a construction worker needs to consider composite toe vs steel toe to determine which will better protect his feet from crushing injuries. Likewise, a server wants to have no-slip shoes to keep them on their feet as they rush in and out of the kitchen.
In 2012 alone, there were 666 fatal job-site injuries caused by falls, slips, or trips. Additionally, according to the United States Department of Labor Statistics, the average employee will miss seven days of work after experiencing a foot or toe injury. Not only can this result in missed pay, but a single injury can cause ongoing pain in the feet.
Not only do you have to worry about support and injuries, but you also have to consider overall foot health. The average person that spends the majority of their workday on their feet can perspire up to 200 ml of moisture per foot. Having to continue working on sweaty wet feet can lead to foot fungus, pain, and overall stinky feet. Choosing work boots that are safe, supportive, and breathable will help avoid these problems. Good work boots coupled with smart wool socks can quickly alleviate the moisture problem.
Approximately $70 per employee is spent on foot protection each year. While this may seem like a lot, it isn’t; especially when looking at the cost of foot injuries both for the individual and for the employer.
So when looking for work boots, you want to consider what kind of protection you need, and choose from high traction work boots, steel toe boots, waterproof boots, desert boots, or tactical boots. Some may wonder the difference between composite toe vs steel toe in regards to protection. The difference is as simple as the reinforcement being used. Steel is arguably stronger, but also heavier, which can make long hours on your feet feel even longer. The boot that is best for you will be determined by what you?ll be doing while wearing them and the level of wear they will receive.
Military and police wear specialized footwear do to their need for both protection and high mobility. Sometimes construction boots are solid and protect the foot well, but they are so heavy, you wouldn?t think about running in them. Military, police and other tactical positions need to be able to move quickly and easily.Going back to the consideration of composite toe vs steel toe, you may base your decision on how mobile you need to be throughout the day as well as what kinds of foot dangers you may encounter. Even within composite toe vs steel toe boots, there is a broad range of options. It may be best to consult with others in your field to see which they prefer.
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