If you’re looking for an easy-to-manage pet, some fresh eggs in your fridge, or even just a fun distraction for your children, then buying chickens is a no-brainer. Chickens are fun, easy to take care of, and just completely adorable! If you have a backyard, then you have plenty of room for at least one chicken. If you want to invest in several, however, it may be wise to set up a chicken coop to keep them all in one safe spot. Chicken coops can range from simple to extremely lavish, and this video is proof!
While the owner in this video sports a quaker chicken coop, there are a plethora of other styles that you can go for. Colors, sizes, and even aesthetics are interchangeable when it comes to adding a little chicken home next to your own.
You can add storage shelves to keep feed in, adorable decorations, and even underground insulation to keep them warm. Picking out a chicken coop can be loads of fun, especially if you get your children involved. Get them involved with painting details on the coop, or adding little chicken furniture inside.