As the coldest night of the fall so far arrives, it is no wonder that there are a number of people who are putting all of their summer gear away for the season. Most of the bathing suits get put away; Corona tank tops get shoved back in the drawer until warm weather appears again, and outdoor drinking accessories are stored away as well. Although there may still be a few more tailgating parties for your favorite football team, the reality is that once the first frost arrives, there really is not much time for any more summer gear. You can still have fun once the cold temperatures arrive, but many of the parties are moved indoors.
Cold Weather Parties Require Special Planning and Organization
As soon as you need to pull out the fleece blankets for the season, it is often necessary to store away summer gear to make room for the warmer winter gear. Whether you are looking for a way to make more room for the indoor football party that you are planning for the end of the month or you are planning on hosting a large group of friends and family for next year’s Super Bowl, there are a number of ways that you can do much of the planning ahead of time.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the some of the favorite alcoholic beverages that can help make your next party a huge success:
- As many as 71% to 73% of Millennials drink liquor, beer, or wine.
- Five ounces is the standard serving for red wine.
- Between the years 2008 and 2017, the per-capita consumption of beer across the U.S. dropped by almost 10%.
- 44% of women from a na survey of 1,000 Americans by Alcohol.org claimed that New Year’s Eve is the holiday most associated with alcohol.
- Followed by tequila and then vodka, beer is the number one alcoholic drink consumed on Halloween.
- Among 21 to 24 year olds, beer consumption has fallen by 3% over the last 15 years.
Making sure that you are serving plenty of food and monitoring the over consumption of alcohol can help you make sure that your party is not only a success, but that it is also safe. Unfortunately, binge drinking is a harmful habit that is all too popular. Defined by a man having five or more drinks or a woman having four or more drinks within a two-hour period, binge drinking can create a terrible end to any party.