Safety gear is so important to construction sites and job sites across the United States. Without the right safety gear, workers get hurt and this damages the site progress in multiple ways. Not only does it cost the site money in regards to a personal injury claim but it slows down the process with one less worker on the job. As a result, reflective safety hoodie products and other safety gear is a huge deal.
Every day, the average person takes just about 10,000 steps. On the other hand, a construction worker is going to walk for more than 30,000 steps during the course of an average day. As a result, they are much more likely to get hurt and specifically they can hurt their feet. Consequently, every year businesses spend just about $70 on foot protection gear. So buying the right safety gear, like a reflective safety hoodie, is vital to any successful business. Here are more facts on these safety clothing and more.
Reflective Safety Hoodie Is An Essential Piece of Safety Gear
The Institute for Work and Health in Canada gathers information on the workforce and their health and safety every year. According to their information, a new worker in the first month at work is likely to get hurt. Has a matter of fact, these workers are three times more likely to get hurt and miss time as a result. Therefore, buying the right reflective pants along with a nice reflective safety hoodie is going to really help out businesses.
Safety jackets for work will help construction workers be visible late at night. This is really important for workers that od public road work and more. After all, they are doing work late into the night which is not safe in general. As a matter of fact, it is when most dangerous fatalities occur for workers late at night. So get the right reflective safety hoodie for your workers to keep them safe and avoid lawsuits and injuries.
Safety Gear Prevents Injuries and Deaths On The Job
In the year of 2015, nearly 13 deaths occurred every day amongst workers and that is equal to nearly 4,900 workers the entire year. This is absolutely terrible and is going to really hurt people and the workforce. Employees that end up taking time off from work because of an injury are going to pursue an injury settlement. Especially if they were not given the proper safety equipment for their work situation. So you need to get employees the best reflective safety hoodie that you can find.
Almost one-third of nonfatal work injuries in 2013 that required time away were suffered by employees with less than one year of service. Time away from work is not good for the employee of the business. As a result, any business with workers in precarious situations needs to invest in an orange safety vest or reflective safety hoodie. If not, then their safety is in jeopardy and that does not go well for the workforce or the worksite.
Another huge problem that comes with a workers injury involves a hurtful reputation situation. Each and every year, worksites can become more dangerous or less dangerous depending on the actions of the employee. It all comes down to what type of equipment and gear is given to workers. After all, a worker wearing a reflective safety hoodie is much safer than a worker who is not visible whatsoever.
In Conclusion
Each and every single year, there are hazards that pop up at work sites across the country. Therefore, it is important to get the best and only the best reflective safety hoodie for your workers and more. After all, they need to be protected so that they can do their work without any worries.