Did you know that, by 2015, there will be an estimated 82 million tablet users in the U.S.? Tablet PCs are one electronic device of many that have started to blur the differentiation between computers, phones, and other internet compatible objects. If you want to save money by purchasing low price electronics, here are three tips for finding great deals online.
1. The Best Comparison Shopping Sites
We all know to use search engines like Google to find basic information and options for products. But did you know that there are search engines specifically geared for shoppers? Unlike general Google, these sites have algorithms that are specifically calculated to find you the best deals on the items you want. Right now, Google Product Search, Nextag, and Pricegrabber are all industry leaders. The best shopping search engine will depend on what exactly you are searching for, so I would recommend running several sites and seeing which one offers you the best deal.
2. Safe Online Shopping for Used Items
Buying used can be a great way to save money without having to settle for an older model than what you want. The latest iPad mini, for example, is $329 on the Apple store but only $250 used on Ebay. For buying used items, sites like Ebay and Amazon are good bets since they tend to offer a lot of protections for their customers if something goes wrong with the transaction. Buying expensive electronics through sites like Craigslist is not recommended since there is little recourse available to you if something goes wrong.
3. Refurbished Means Cheap
Refurbished electronics often sell at a 10 to 30% discount off the original price. In many cases, refurbished items just have small scratches, dents, or the box was opened but the item was untouched. These things can prevent the item from being sold as new, even though they basically are new. Refurbished electronics purchased directly from companies is a great idea because even if they are used, they have been checked over and newly fitted so that they work like new. You can get low price tablet PCs using this method.
Do you have tips for finding electronics like low price tablet PCs? Let us know in the comments!