Your shoes are your foundation.
They carry you through a difficult workweek where you’re standing and walking for hours on end. They keep you from slipping and falling when walking along ice. They’re one of our most important stepping stones to staying healthy and staying safe, which means failing to provide your career with the right fit can leave you in a bad spot out of the blue. Whether it’s a twisted ankle or experiencing a slip and fall while on the clock, boots ready for all terrains are designed to keep the worst at bay. Have you been considering swapping out your old pair for something a little better?
Consider looking below and learning about all the useful features that can come with a strong pair of boots.
Working Shoes Today
Did you know the average person in America walks 10,000 steps a day? When you take into account all the back and forth of the average day laborer, that number creeps a lot closer to 30,000. A good pair of shoes is necessary to stave off illness, discomfort, and create a higher quality output. Likewise, a lack of good shoes can not just make an employee more frustrated, it can actually put them in danger. Slip and fall incidents are among the most common workplace injuries, putting people in the hospital and potentially subjecting them to long-term disability.
Workplace Injuries And Illnesses
What kind of workplace injuries come with an ill-fitting or poorly tailored pair of shoes? Back in 2016 there were nearly three million non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported across the country. The Bureau Of Labor Statistics stated there are around 100,000 work-related foot injuries, as well, that averaged at least two weeks off from work. Sprained ankles, broken toes, and callouses are some of the most common. Bunions and skin diseases can also be accumulated over time, particularly if the worker is regularly exposed to bad weather.
The Cost Of Poor Equipment
Spending a little extra money now on Eleven 10 gear and cooling shirts means spending a lot less money down the road. According to data provided by the National Council On Compensation Insurance, the average cost of a lost workday foot injury amounts to over $9,000. A few hundred dollars spent on equipment that’s built to last is nothing compared to the medical bills and wasted time that come with neglect. Workplace apparel is better than ever these days, coming with a wide range of features that make all the difference between a comfortable day and a few weeks on workers’ compensation.
Basic Safety Apparel Features
Here’s what you can expect when investing in Danner footwear or any sort of professionally crafted working equipment. The three main types of high-visibility safety apparel include off-road, roadway, and public safety. These can cross over, of course, and your discretion is paramount to choosing the Eleven 10 gear that suits your work week best. The tactical and service clothing manufacturing industry boasts an average of $945 million every year. On the more recreational side of things, a 2017 survey determined hiking to be the fourth most popular outdoor activity in the country.
Choosing The Right Pair Of Boots
Crafting a simple list of features you can’t go without will steer you in the right direction while browsing Eleven 10 gear. With so many foot-related injuries and illnesses in the workplace, this little effort will truly pay off when you least expect it. A good pair of combat boots or hiking boots need to have sturdy traction, able to keep you steady even when on black ice or glass. A snug fit is important, as pinched toes can become broken toes with the right pressure. Last, but not least, insulation will ensure you’re not dealing with itchy or swollen skin at the end of the night.
These are just a few of the details you need to get started. Find the perfect Eleven 10 gear to elevate your work week into the most sturdy foundation yet.